Love All 2 Live Well

I have put myself into hard situations due to letting my emotions run me. But, recently I have started to understand things differently. As soon as I decided to let go of my emotions and started living by God, I have seen things change. I live each day the way I know God wants me to live, or at least I do my best. I forgive myself for my fall backs because I see how my falls have given me new strengths. They are no longer my falls, they are my lessons. Falls keep me humble.

I know who God is now, but less than a year ago, I didn't believe in God. I allowed my emotions to stop his gifts from coming out. My way was not the right way and now I understand that I was hurting myself by trying to do it my way. I struggled my whole life so struggling is one thing I know.

The main reason I was held back was because I blamed myself for not being the best I could be. For judging who I was because I was not as good as someone else, or the labels that were placed on me when I was younger. I felt that my art was childish and that no one could take them seriously. Here I am, trying to help people and my art is not good enough. This is how I felt. The power of an irrational thought kept me trapped in an endless cycle of not loving myself. Guilt and fear are powerful and can influence you life in ways you can get stuck in. I know because I was stuck.

Yes, we are human and yes we make mistakes but, if you focus on your failures, you will stay stuck in your failures. You won't have the faith needed to find your way out. The light God showed me was in the brink of my failures. See, they were not my failures at all. They were my teachers, my mentors and my saviors. They taught me through trials and errors. That is where I learned what I was really made of. God is real and he knows what he's doing. You wouldn't be who you are if you didn't go through the failures you have been through.

I am stronger mentally and spiritually now, than I have ever been. I am starting to see the world in a Godly way. I understand why people are the way they are. When I meet people, I see their past. I see the pain they have suffered, the happiness they have been blessed with and ultimately, I see who they are meant to be. I love everyone because everyone is born from light. We are all born from a seed of light and as we grow, we inquire things that mask who we are. The people who are the angriest , who are the selfish and who are the depressed, all have that light in them. Their struggles just may be different than yours and they may not have the strength you do.

Never judge people for who they are because, who they are may be a result of something they struggle with. Your judgement imprisons them in their bad behavior. Like a viscous cycle, it traps them in the guilt they struggle with because all they can do is blame themselves. Their vicious cycle may because by people who are around them. Why be apart of the problem through pointless hate, when you are meant to be the solution through your eternal love.

Love your neighbor. For, when you love your neighbor, you start to understand what God has planned for you. You are able to see the message in who they are and even help them to move forward. You see God in everyone and you know the value of being who we are.

Yes we struggle and yes it is painful. But that is where we learn who we truly are and the grace we posses. If we never struggle then we never understand the blessings. I am thankful for my children. For if it wasn't for the grace of God, I wouldn't even have them. I am thankful for the pain I go through on a daily basis. That is where I learned how to pray. And I am thankful for the famine I am going through. That is where I learned, my real blessings do not lie in material things.

Be thankful for who you are and know, you are more than what you think. See yourself as more and you will become more. Have faith that God has got you covered and go with the flow of life. Except the things you can not change and change the things you do not accept. Love all and live well. God Bless everyone.
