Reborn From Ash

I never understood what spiritual people meant when they talked about being reborn. Then again, I never believed in God and never put much thought into it. But recently, I have found God, I finally understand what it means to be reborn.

My life was ran by my flesh (the flesh is the part of you that wants instant gratification; the flesh only lives in the moment and doesn't care about the repercussions). I always took the easy and lazy way out of life. I didn't have the strength of faith to believe in myself. Instant gratification was the only thing that made me happy, but in the long run, it made me miserable. Even to this day I still experience some of these struggles from time to time. The last thing I had thought of was God.

I was raised atheist. I was told that, people who believed in a God were crazy. When I was finally exposed to Christianity at 12 years old, I was forced to go to church with a step parent, whom, turned out to be a devious, hypocritical liar. My views of God were damaged through my upbringing.

There where times that I had tried to pray. I prayed in a way that was false praying, meaning, it came from the idea of what I thought praying was supposed to be. Which, at that time, it wasn't really praying. My heart wasn't in it.

Then one day, I stopped my thoughts and really forced myself to believe in God.

To get to this point, you have to put your self into a mind-set that praying to God is the last resort you have to changing your life. You feel it in your heart. For once, truly have faith. As soon as I prayed my heart out, I received my answer but not in a way I expected. His answer came to me through a video on YouTube. Joel Osteen's "Remember Your Dream".

I now know God is real. He is in all of us. With his faith flooding my heart, I feel ways that I have never felt before. I feel a new sense of peace. I feel...Reborn. Now I understand what people mean, and its the most wonderful feeling ever. I wish everyone in the world could feel the peace I feel.

Now, don't get me wrong. I still struggle. I have 3 kids. I work all the time because I am planting my seeds to ensure a harvest for my children. I am not financially stable. My housing situation is unstable do to my finances and there are forces I am fighting right now that are stronger than they have ever been in my life before. It is beautiful. What used to stop me is making me stronger in the long run. My struggles move me in the most perfect way. Now that I know what my struggles are used for, I am able to receive the blessings that were always there. I find myself doing things I would have never done before. Even this blog is outside my box.

No force will ever stop me again from being who God meant for me to be. Now that I know my opponent, I am prepared for what is to come. I will step in to a highly favored destiny.

Start believing in who you are and then remind your self everyday that you were meant for something great. The greater the burden, the greater the blessing. Its how you view the burden that makes the blessing.
