Reborn From Ash

I never understood what spiritual people meant when they talked about being reborn. Then again, I never believed in God and never put much thought into it. But recently, I have found God, I finally understand what it means to be reborn. My life was ran by my flesh (the flesh is the part of you that wants instant gratification; the flesh only lives in the moment and doesn't care about the repercussions). I always took the easy and lazy way out of life. I didn't have the strength of faith to believe in myself. Instant gratification was the only thing that made me happy, but in the long run, it made me miserable. Even to this day I still experience some of these struggles from time to time. The last thing I had thought of was God. I was raised atheist. I was told that, people who believed in a God were crazy. When I was finally exposed to Christianity at 12 years old, I was forced to go to church with a step parent, whom, turned out to be a devious, hypocritical liar. My vi...